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Python SDK Example for QWorker

This guide demonstrates how to use the qscaler_sdk Python library to create and deploy a worker that processes tasks from a queue. The worker integrates seamlessly with QScaler to support dynamic scaling and resource optimization.

Example Code

Here is an example Python worker implementation using the qscaler_sdk:

import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, Any

from qscaler_sdk.worker import Worker

worker = Worker()

def shutdown():
    print("Shutting down worker...")

def example(task: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
    print("hello this is an example")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    worker.k8s_client.extract_secret_value("redis", "redis-password")


  1. Initialization:

    • A Worker instance is created to manage tasks and integration with QScaler.
  2. Task Definition:

    • The @worker.task decorator defines a task function. This function processes individual tasks pulled from the queue.
  3. Shutdown Hook:

    • The @worker.shutdown decorator defines a cleanup function to be executed during shutdown.
  4. Run the Worker:

    • The method starts the worker loop, which continuously pulls and processes tasks.
  5. Kubernetes Integration:

    • The worker.k8s_client.extract_secret_value method retrieves secrets, such as the Redis password, from Kubernetes.

Example QWorker Resource

Below is the YAML configuration for deploying the worker in Kubernetes:

kind: QWorker
  labels: qworker
  name: qworker-example
    serviceAccountName: qscaler-worker
      - name: pyworker
        image: localhost:5001/worker:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
    activateVPA: true
    queue: "queue1"
    minReplicas: 1
    maxReplicas: 5
    scalerConfigRef: redis-config
    scalingFactor: 1

Key Points

  • podSpec:

    • Defines the container image and resource requirements for the worker pod.
  • scaleConfig:

    • Configures scaling parameters, such as the queue to monitor, minimum and maximum replicas, and scaling factor.

Dockerfile for Worker

Here is the Dockerfile to containerize the Python worker:

FROM python:3.11-alpine


RUN pip install poetry

COPY . .

RUN poetry env use python
RUN poetry install

COPY ./examples/ ./

CMD ["poetry", "run", "python3", "/app/"]

Build and Push Image

  1. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t localhost:5001/worker:latest .

  2. Push the image to your local registry:

    docker push localhost:5001/worker:latest

Deploying the Worker

  1. Apply the QWorker resource to your Kubernetes cluster:

    kubectl apply -f qworker-example.yaml

  2. Verify the deployment: ```bash kubectl get pods -l